Search Results for 'carolyn morrow long'


808 results for 'carolyn morrow long'  

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Elvis Ignited: The Rise of an Icon in Florida

Elvis Ignited tracks the rising star through his tours of Florida, from 1955 when Presley was an unknown to 1956 when Presley played more concerts in Florida than in any other state. In only fifteen months, Presley toured Florida four times, becoming the object of worship, scorn, and controversy. Struck by a new kind of music and performances so different from anything they had known before, Floridians saw how special Elvis was before the rest of the world caught on. Before their very eyes, he transformed from Hillbilly Cat to the King of Rock and Roll.

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Lost Storytellers: The Information Apocalypse in the Modern Newsroom

In this firsthand look at the landscape of community news today, photojournalist John Pendygraft uses his own experiences to show why trusted local reporting matters now more than ever, making the case that the decline of local journalism threatens the future of democracy.

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The Finding of the Grail: Retold from Old French Sources

This lively retelling of the medieval Grail legend presents a unified version of the hero Perceval's quest. Illustrated with 34 miniatures from 13th- and 14th-century manuscripts, it offers a concise and coherent version of a myth that has fascinated

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Landscapes of the Itza: Archaeology and Art History at Chichen Itza and Neighboring Sites

This volume is a much-needed update on recent archaeological and art historical work being done at Chichen Itza, offering new ways of understanding the site and its role in the Yucatan landscape.


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Gulf Coast Archaeology: The Southeastern United States and Mexico

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Tacachale: Essays on the Indians of Florida and Southeastern Georgia during the Historic Period

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Joyce, Aristotle, and Aquinas

In this book, Fran O’Rourke examines the influence of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas on James Joyce, arguing that both thinkers fundamentally shaped the philosophical outlook which pervades the author’s oeuvre.

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Links: My Family in American History

In Links, Arthur and Margaret Link's youngest son--an accomplished and award-winning historian--offers a moving and unsentimental biography of two individuals who experienced the intense change and tumult of the South during the mid-twentieth century.